Multiplex: Foundational Research on MULTI-level comPLEX networks and systems
Dates: from Nov. 1, 2012 to Oct. 31, 2016
Funder: FP7 (European Union)
Project id: FET-Proactive 317532
Total Funding: 7,861,905€
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Many artificial and natural systems are characterized by a high level of differentiation in structure and organization; they exist in areas as diverse as the Internet, energy management, climate, financial markets, infrastructures (including ICT), biology, transport, epidemics, meteorology, urban planning, social simulation and policy impact assessment. In order to describe and control these systems there is a need to observe and reconstruct their dynamics and make sense of large amounts of heterogeneous data gathered on various scales. Most of these areas would benefit from an international effort in collecting and sharing data, models and from looking for a general, common theoretical approach. The science of complex systems (CSS) offers a framework for this theoretical approach.
The objective of this Initiative is to make steps towards a general theory on complex systems through contributions in the area of dynamics of multi-level systems.
- Tensorial and bipartite block models for link prediction in layered networks and temporal networks - Phys. Rev. E 99 , 032307 (2019).
- iMet: A network-based computational tool to assist in the annotation of metabolites from tandem mass spectra - Anal. Chem. 89 (6) , 3474 -3482 (2017).
- Accurate and scalable social recomendation using mixed-membership stochastic block models - Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113 (50) , 14207 -14212 (2016).
- Multilayer stochastic block models reveal the multilayer structure of complex networks - Phys. Rev. X 6 , 011036 (2016).
- Long-term evolution of email networks: statistical regularities, predictability and stability of social behaviors - PLOS ONE 11(1) , e0146113 (2016).
- A comprehensive study on different modelling approaches to predict platelet deposition rates in a perfusion chamber - Sci. Rep. 5 , 13606 (2015).
- The acute impact of polyphenols from Hibiscus sabdariffa in metabolic homeostasis: an approach combining metabolomics and gene-expression analyses - Food Funct. 6 , 2957 -2966 (2015).
- Scaling and optimal synergy: Two principles determining microbial growth in complex media - Phys. Rev. E 91 , 062703 (2015).
- Control of cell–cell forces and collective cell dynamics by the intercellular adhesome - Nat. Cell Biol. 17 , 409 -420 (2015).
- Impact of heterogeneity and socioeconomic factors on individual behavior in decentralized sharing ecosystems - Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 111 (43) , 15322 -15327 (2014).
- A Network Inference Method for Large-Scale Unsupervised Identification of Novel Drug-Drug Interactions - PLOS Comput. Biol. 9 (12) , e1003374 (2013).